
Virtual Reality and Social Media

Virtual Reality (VR) is a new technology typically used in video games. " Virtual reality allows developers to artificially create simulations and real-life situations or experiences. Coupled with a virtual reality headset, users are immersed into these simulations in a way that makes it seem it’s actually real."  VR is the future of social media in my opinion. It's common for people to play video games with people across the world, so communicating with others through a virtual reality would be completely possible. It is common for VR video games to include an avatar for yourself and I think this can move into social media because VR allows you to be anywhere without going anywhere. I think that if people create avatars of themselves you will be able to interact with people all around the world in this virtual reality. Consumer's social spheres will expand because they will have an opportunity to interact with those from other cultures and backgrounds int

Reflection on Social Media Case 12: United Breaks Guitars

This case is a perfect example of the power of social media. People love rallying around things they can relate to. United mishandled Dave Carroll's guitar and so after he went through the proper procedure of dealing with it, he decided to write a song about it. I think we all have been mistreated by airlines. Overall, flying is never a glorious experience, unless you spend the money to make it that way. I think people rallied around Carrroll's song because they have had similar experiences. Furthermore, when something is considered "not right" on the social media starts trending, it spreads like wildfire. Carroll was also wise to create three different types of the song and have people vote for their favorite. Polls, trivia, and surveys all help your content go viral. They help the viewers feel more involved and increase confirmation bias. Carroll wanted a lot of attention because he didn't receive good service, but he used this attention to his advantage and he

Reflection on Social Media Case 11: OK Go Gravity Song

I respect that OK Go didn't press charges against S7 Airlines. They had every right to, but I think that they understood that the motives weren't malicious and it was completely a contract mix-up. I do think that the airline shouldn't have posted the video on any platform until the band released it because ultimately it is the band's work and the aircraft was just used in the video. It's interesting to consider the effects of using one platform over another for videos. In regards to marketing I think it was wise to go for Facebook considering it would have gained traction on that platform no matter what. However, although I understand the reasoning, I think since they have videos on YouTube already that it was risky to go through Facebook. They already have so many fans who see their videos on YouTube, so having one video in a random place could hurt the traction. Although the drama with S7 Airlines made things complicated legally it ended up working out for OK Go b

Reflection on Social Media Case 10: Miracle Mattress Twin Tower Sale

Just a word of advice. Probably don't base your commercials off of significant terrorist events that killed hundreds of American people, especially if you're going to make it lighthearted. This commercial  was not well thought out. There is never going to be an okay time to use significant trauma in a comedic way to sell your product. These events should be honored because of the people who were affected by them. If I had family members who were killed or injured in 9/11 and I saw this commercial, I would be very upset. This commercial was just plain bad taste, but I'm sure when they were coming up with ideas they didn't fully consider the impacts it would have. Many times, especially since it was a local business, marketing ideas are bounced off only a few people. It's possible that group think occurred and even if people did disagree with the idea, they didn't speak up. For me, the sale itself is distasteful, but it didn't really impact me until the very

Reflection on Social Media Case 9: Ponderize

Every conflict always has two stories and so who knows, maybe they weren't trying to use a religious talk to their financial advantage? Unfortunately, it doesn't look that way to me. I definitely think the "Ponderize" campaign was planned, but I don't think there was any fault on Elder Durrant. Although he gave the talk on Ponderizing, it was his children that made it an entrepreneurial opportunity. I'm still not sure what the intention was, but I do know that Mormon's are a great market. If you have something practical, spiritual, or has a lot of support from other members, most will jump on the band wagon. While I don't think that the Durrant children should have done this, I do give them props. It was clever and started with good intentions and I'm not sure they understood the impact it would have. I feel like when you sell things online it takes away accountability . I would bet that if they were selling shirts and things on Temple Square o

Reflection on Social Media Case 8: Pastor's 10% to God

After a Pastor refused to pay an 18% tip because they paid 10% to God, so why would they pay that tip to the server, the receipt was posted on Reddit and resulted in over 4000 comments, primarily negative. Although the server was fired, I believe the Pastor's reputation was damaged more. The receipt was very hypocritical to many Christian belief's and I find it interesting that the Pastor accused the server of damaging their reputation because they did it to themselves, the waitress just showed it to people. I think this reminds us that we need to be a little kinder and definitely more aware of how our actions affect others. The server was fired because they shared personal information and a transaction of a customer. I think this was justified because that is against Applebee's policy and I think the policy is there to protect the customer. Technically, the server shouldn't have shared the receipt, but I'm happy they did because I don't think people realize how

Reflection on Social Media Case 7: Anthony Weiner’s Post

The US Congressman Anthony Weiner sent sexually explicit photos to a 21-year-old woman through direct messaging on twitter. Other inappropriate content with other women and minors unfolded. In the beginning he tried to deny the allegations, but with the pressure and stir of social media he came clean with the truth. Social media does create a sphere where if you're hiding something, it will be brought to the surface. Especially if millions of people are looking for that truth. This can effect reputation, but I think there is a more important issue to focus on here. Anthony Weiner (an unfortunate last name for this topic, but here goes) sexually harassed several women. Whether his intentions were pure or not, if these actions were not wanted by the women, this is considered harassment. Social media has created a whole new world for this issue. In the past, sexual harassment or assault has been a topic that has been very taboo and I believe this was because of the sexism that exist