Virtual Reality and Social Media

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Virtual Reality (VR) is a new technology typically used in video games. "Virtual reality allows developers to artificially create simulations and real-life situations or experiences. Coupled with a virtual reality headset, users are immersed into these simulations in a way that makes it seem it’s actually real." 

VR is the future of social media in my opinion. It's common for people to play video games with people across the world, so communicating with others through a virtual reality would be completely possible. It is common for VR video games to include an avatar for yourself and I think this can move into social media because VR allows you to be anywhere without going anywhere. I think that if people create avatars of themselves you will be able to interact with people all around the world in this virtual reality. Consumer's social spheres will expand because they will have an opportunity to interact with those from other cultures and backgrounds inter personally and "face to face."

Furthermore, it can create a unique opportunity for groups of people to gather together in the comfort of their own home. Say you have a family member who has cancer and you would like to be apart of a support group, but they don't have one in your area. VR creates an opportunity for you to gather with people that are going through the same thing as you without being with them physically. VR as social media helps you have access to things and people you wouldn't have access to otherwise. 

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Virtual reality will affect current social media because it's more personal. With apps like Instagram and Facebook, you do have access to people all around the world, but you're stuck behind a screen and it never feels like you're actually in the room with them. This isn't the case with VR, so I bet that people would be less connected through shallow apps like Instagram and more connected through VR. One concern of people using Virtual Reality as social media and a way to connect with people and gaining experiences around the world is that people become less connected from the present. I feel like VR is going to become very realistic where you can visit Paris and it will actually feel like you're there, so people will be less appealed with their actual reality. I'm concerned that this will disconnect us from real people, but good things can always turn bad through lack of balance, so it is our job as consumers to stay balanced. 


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