Reflection on Social Media Case 6: Basketball Cop

This is a very inspiring story where social media was used to make great change happen. The basketball cop truly was trying to do his job and live in the moment, but he used social media to make a statement. He wanted to share the importance of connecting with youth and it had an incredible impact and reach because of social media. This story is significant because instead of letting the video go viral, keeping the fame, and moving on, the basketball cop did something with the recognition by starting the Basketball Cop Foundation.

Social media can be used for more than entertainment. It provides a unique opportunity for ideas, campaigns, and foundations to thrive. Social media has changed charity work in a variety of ways. The interaction and engagement from social media is at an all time high because there's more access and ideas spread faster and at a larger scale. Furthermore, timing is a key element in the success of a foundation or charity campaign on social media. It provides an opportunity for immediate support and action. If a disaster happens, within seconds individuals and foundations can post on different platforms in regards to urgent help and need for donations. As shown by the basketball cop scenario, social media creates an opportunity for people to donate to any cause almost instantly. Instead of waiting for writing an article, waiting for it to print, disperse, and then call for action, we can hear about a problem and go to a variety of sites to donate to the cause. GoFundMe is one of the top, most trusted fundraising platforms used by many.

There are five ways to jumpstart your foundation's social media. You canfollow your grantees and other foundations, cross-promote our social media presence on your website and ensure that all of your social media and website are linked to every social platform you're on, engage and talk with your followers, ask thoughtful questions to improve your foundation, and be transparent. Overall, social media has created an opportunity for change and as consumers have an opportunity to drive that change. However charities and foundations must stay up to date and willing to adapt as social media changes.


  1. I liked that you talked about the five ways to jumpstart a foundation's social media account. That is a great source of information! Great job!

  2. I totally agree that it is awesome how Officer White used the success of his video to create a long lasting positive change in his community.

  3. Great post! Love your ideas and insights.

  4. I also loved that this police officer went about this situation in their own way. I really liked that he used a social media platform to spread this message around of cops doing good deeds instead of the typical media message that we receive about police officers and their communities.

  5. Awesome post! You brought in a lot of great insights!


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