
Showing posts from February, 2018

Online Reputation

Emily is a joy to be around and her online reputation speaks to that truth. The biggest theme across her profiles was that she values her family. She has five kids and most of her cover photos are them smiling together. Most of her posts are about her children which shows she is a very devoted mother. F urthermore, she has been tagged in several posts from relatives sharing funny or useful information. Her sister tagged her in a video singing with her. She started the post with, " My sisters have been such incredible support for me through a lot of really challenging things." This validates the assumption that she values her family because she has supported them through hard times. Similarly, they still do things together that are relevant to their history as sisters like singing. They sang a song from an old TV show that their grandpa used to watch, showing respect for him and each other.  Although she is separated from her husband, she works to involve her Ex with

Reflection on Social Media Case 6: Basketball Cop

This is a very inspiring story where social media was used to make great change happen. The basketball cop truly was trying to do his job and live in the moment, but he used social media to make a statement. He wanted to share the importance of connecting with youth and it had an incredible impact and reach because of social media. This story is significant because instead of letting the video go viral, keeping the fame, and moving on, the basketball cop did something with the recognition by starting the Basketball Cop Foundation. Social media can be used for more than entertainment. It provides a unique opportunity for ideas, campaigns, and foundations to thrive. Social media has changed charity work in a variety of ways . The interaction and engagement from social media is at an all time high because there's more access and ideas spread faster and at a larger scale. Furthermore, timing is a key element in the success of a foundation or charity campaign on social media. It provi

Case 5: Paypal Deleted Comments (2011)

After reflecting on personal experiences and researching, negative comments come up because social media is a place for your voice to be heard. I think that negative comments can be a good thing because it creates accountability from the company. In the Paypal situation, I think that deleting negative comments was the worst decision they could have made. It's important to tell your story instead of trying to avoid bad feedback on what your company or brand is. Although it's difficult to manage negative comments, businesses still struggle knowing how to  handle  them. The number one tool is to never delete them and to address the customers’ problems. You need to thank the customer for sharing, apologize, explain and be clear and concise, and then explain how you’re going to act moving forward. It's hard to identify which comments are okay to keep and which one’s aren’t so many social media platforms set up certain restrictions on comments. There’s options so people can

Social Media Case 4: Nestle’s “Funner Menu Options” (2009)

I was thoroughly entertained by Nestle's "Funner Menu Options." I remember hearing about this when I was younger and I made my mom call it so that we could play with it. My mom already loves Nestle, so this made her love it even more. I learned about this from my classmates who most likely got it from their siblings. It's so interesting to consider how fast information can travel because of social media and word of mouth. Someone posting on Reddit jump-started the popularity of Nestle's menu. Currently there are 3.3 million Reddit  users  and there are over 8 billion monthly Reddit page views. If your product can entertain popular users on sites like Reddit this could have an incredible impact for your company, as seen by Nestle. Furthermore, it is interesting to consider the impact of humor on advertising. Research shows that the effects of humor in advertising on consumer attitudes are stronger than that of most other persuasion tools. Therefore, Reddit using

Social Media Case 3: Tom Petty’s “Death” and Death (2017)

Tom Petty's "Death" launched confusion across the country. The internet is a space where anyone can share their opinion on anything and if we trust the wrong sources we can be led astray. The biggest confusion surrounding Petty's death was because people trusted the sources who were sharing the news. It is important for us to not only find credible sources, but to check several platforms to find accurate information. There are many ways to tell if a source is  credible . Such as, checking the date, author, layout of website, the website's accuracy in the past, etc. When "credible" sources share fake news, they lose a lot of trust from the consumer and that can be difficult to come back from. Especially now, us consumers need to be aware of the effects of fake news. Currently, news source's integrity is being questioned and consumers don't want to be persuaded by fake news. This has forced journalists to work even harder to stay objective. Th