Reflection on Social Media Case 2: Ellen Degeneres and most Re-Tweeted Photo

The most Re-Tweeted Photo has been dethroned by "Nugget Boy." I participated in retweeting both of these pictures while they were floating around the internet. The Nugget Boy tweet was viral and very organic because it wasn't based on his personal popularity. It's incredible to see what kind of response it received. During an interview with Ellen he expressed how he started with 150 followers and now has over 67,000. He was formerly known as the shy boy at school, so I'm sure this attention was shocking to say the least. There are pros and cons of "going viral." Some of which being positive engagement, networking opportunities, on the contrary, dealing with haters and worrying about what people think of you. 

In my opinion, Wendy's was smart to engage with this tweet because it was a great marketing technique. Their engagement influenced everyone who tweeted to agree that their participation was important because Wendy's chicken nuggets are so good and Nugget Boy should be able to get a year supply. I'll admit that while I was reading about the situation, I wanted to go to Wendy's. The fact that this tweet was organic and from a "nobody," made the situation all the more attractive because it made it relatable. Plus everyone loves rooting for the underdog.

At first it was confusing to me why it was such a big deal to Ellen if she lost her throne. I soon realized that the entire idea was a great PR decision. Ellen's tweet was popular not necessarily viral because everyone in the photo had a large following, so their engagement was crucial. That tweet made it so everyone was talking about the Oscars because they felt like they were involved. Ellen's tweet exploded across the nation because of the multiplier effect. This effect is basically a big snowball of views and engagement with your tweet. Ellen having the most retweeted tweet made her seem more important and immortalized that Oscars. However, I personally am excited that the most retweeted tweet is the Nugget Boy tweet because it was organic, still traveled so far, and I wish it happened to me. 


  1. I really enjoyed seeing your pro's and con's of "going viral"! When a tweet goes viral just based on the merit of the tweet itself, it seems like a more sincere and honest way to go. When people with a large fan base get a lot of retweets, it can be hard to discern if the post was actually a good post or if they just have a lot of followers that like them so they feel the need to retweet.

  2. Sophie, I love that you included the information about the Nugget Boy's following before he got involved with Wendy's. That is insane that he went from 150 followers to 67,000! I did not know that, but I think it is important to recognize that social media can change our lifestyles. Soon after the tweet, I know the Nugget Boy even appeared on Ellen's television show. I also like that you brought up that everyone loved retweeting Ellen's photo because it made them feel involved. I remember retweeting her photo myself when I was younger. It is crazy to think that so much thought can be put behind tweets.

  3. I really liked how you talked about Wendy's marketing strategy. This was something that I didn't initially think about on the corporation side, so I really appreciated your insight on that. I also really loved the underdog concept that you introduced about this twitter post.


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